Jeremy's Favorites....
Movie: Mary Poppins because Dick Van Dyke and Julie Andrews's outstanding performance!
Original Willie Wonka and the Choc Factory
Top Secret
Half Baked
Food: Pizza
Drink: Water
Fav Piercings: Nostril because it's fast easy and smooth,
Orbital Piercing I did one time which was seen by an experienced and respected piercer. He said he had never seen done in that placement before.
Favorite Tattoos
For Gals: I never wanted to tattoo flowers early on but of course one day a flower walk-in happened and it made me always want to do flowers after that!
For Guys: Reapers and Skulls! That's actually a way you can get my best price. Reapers and Skulls all day long.
10 things Jeremy would bring on a Deserted Island
A sharp tool for surgical cutting and defense
Fire starting material, non-disposable
Vessel for cooking/eating food 10-12"
Toothbrush/Hairbrush 2 in 1
1 large sheet
1 large blanket
very strong chord or rope
Small still to produce alcohol for wound care
genie in a bottle
Any advise or Closing Statement?
"I really shouldn't be giving advice"